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Say Yes To A Happy Birthday!

Say yes to a Happy Birthday!

At the beginning of 2020 Tony and I said that on my birthday in October I would be on top of a mountain in Sedona at sunrise.  Well guess what we did it!  We woke up at 5 am and we got ready and we drove to Doe mountain and we climbed, and climbed all the way to the top and we sat and watched the sun come up.  Then I opened all my cards on top of the mountain and we walked all the way around the perimeter it was glorious, I actually had cell service on top of the mountain and I was getting messages for hours from my WMN ladies and my mortgage family friends, they even did a video for me I was so touched.  We also took a drive with the convertible top down up Route 89A and we got ice cream.  Around 3:30 PT we did a zoom with the kids and my parents and they watched me open up my presents and they sang happy birthday to me.  At 5 PM Tony and I went to dinner at Steakhouse 89 it was very good.  I had such a wonderful birthday and I believe that this last year of Saying YES has made it even better!

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