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Say Yes To The 1st Mortflix Board Meeting!

Say yes to the 1st Mortflix Board Meeting!

Big day today!  First up I got my 2nd review for the Say Yes Everyday book and I was teary eyed,   I felt so good knowing that I had a positive impact on another woman.  After work we gathered for our first board meeting for Mortflix the first Mortgage streaming service.  We have a plan and if we do our job right as board members I know that we can build something of great value in the industry.  How do I know we have something great?  Check out today’s featured image it’s my dog Betsy with a ladybug.  That is always a sign of good things to come. When I started AFR wholesale after our first meeting there was a ladybug on the handrail outside the conference room and I declared now I know we will be extremely successful and I am now declaring that for Say Yes Everyday and Mortflix.

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