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Say Yes To Videos, Writing, Backyard, Bike Rides And The Super Bowl

Say yes to videos, writing, backyard, bike rides and the Super Bowl

The morning started with Tony and I recording videos at Scottsdale Quarter.  That’s where the photo was taken, for the past 3 years we have taken a photo by this Instagram wall where it’s #shareyourlove.  I always write “celebrating X years of marriage” I don’t think there is anything better to YES to than having fun with your soul mate. I couldn’t imagine Say Yes without Tony because we all need that special someone that understands you and is there to support you even when you don’t think you deserve it and Tony is that person.  We went for 2 bike rides, 2 walks in the park and I was able to do some writing while sitting in the backyard and then we watched the Puppy bowl and the Super bowl together.  As I sat and wrote about how abundant our world is and we are truly limitless I am absolutely living what I am writing.  Today I sat on the ground in my back yard and wrote out my vision for 2021 on a piece of oak tag.  This is the 2nd year that I am doing this and it’s interesting how the items listed on my 2020 board have appeared so this year I decided to tape the board up on the wall in front of my desk in the office.  I am going to look at it every day and I got this!!!!  No limits everyone a fully abundant world ready for you to share your super powers!

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