Say YES to an IMB webinar
Today I hosted the MBA IMB webinar and our topic was MSR’s I was so proud of myself that I found the guest and he was amazing. Today Steve took a leave of absence this made me sad, I wished…
Today I hosted the MBA IMB webinar and our topic was MSR’s I was so proud of myself that I found the guest and he was amazing. Today Steve took a leave of absence this made me sad, I wished…
Warm day, 85 degrees I wrote my speech for the WWV awards and did some prep work for this week. Then Tony and I took Betsy to the park and we walked around and then we went and bought some…
Today me, Tony Mom and Dad drove down the shore to celebrate Judi’s birthday. We had lunch at Amy’s house and then we drove to Island state park and we flew kites and did the fire pit with s’mores and…
Busy day and then after work Tony and I went to Tommy’s tavern for dinner, we talked to Mike he was driving down to Judi’s shore house for her birthday. Then Tony and I went to the hallmark store to…
I had an excellent day today, I made progress with the contract processing co, the life insurance co and bloc’s and blockchain, certified assets, YEAH!! I was even able to plan a meeting with a huge realtor in AZ in…
Today was a big day I submitted my first batch of families to Lifeley, I had a planning meeting with Coastal Breeze and I decided we are going to build out a BLOC podcast, all building for the future, YES!
Busy day that started with mentoring 2 women, followed by planning for BLOCs and our insurance company. Outside it was very Smokey due to a fire in Canada. Tony and I listened to a podcast and we talked to Jon.
Today was an interesting day of getting a message that I should be leaning into SYE. First Fobby put up a social media post about how his life changed after he started Saying YES, then a woman that I mentored…
Today tony and I went up to Jon’s and we watched Rose all day. It was a day of playing and taking her for walks in the stroller. YEAH! It was a fantastic day!
After spending a few days in the Blue Ridge mountains with the EPM team it’s time to go home! It’s quite intense living with others for days and digging deep both emotionally and physically.