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Say YES to Easter!

This is my final week at AFR and I am ready for a resurrection, today was a day of reflection and renewal as I prepare for my final 5 days of a 15 year position that I built from scratch.…

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Say YES to a WWV call!

Today we had our April WWV BOD meeting and I announced that I am going to be a Grandma and I am leaving my current position.  It’s a big change and it’s difficult to make the change but it’s time…

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Say YES to the Lakehouse, a trip to Jon’s and the office and prep for MBANJ!

Up early to start painting and cleaning up after the new windows were installed at…

Say YES to the Lakehouse, a trip to Jon’s and the office and prep for MBANJ!

Up early to start painting and cleaning up after the new windows were installed at the Lakehouse.  Then we went to Jon’s to take measurements of the baby’s room so we can start planning. Then we went to the office…

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