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Say Yes To A Blog Interview And Say YES Everyday On Yahoo Finance!!!

Say yes to a blog interview and Say YES Everyday on Yahoo Finance!!!

What a day!!!  I had the honor of presenting and receiving an award for being one of the top 3 women in mortgage on the Build Your Empire Mastermind!  WOW, I was even able to bring Larry Levine on as a presenter (he did great)!.  Say YES Everyday was featured on Yahoo Finance today and after work I was interviewed by a blogger and I had a pod cast host reach out to schedule an interview WOW!  So exciting.  Remember everyone this all started by Saying YES everyday we all have the ability to create our best lives but we have to put out the frequency to receive while putting your gifts into the world once you start to give you will start to receive.  I believe in you and I want to hear your YES, please join me in my Facebook group and share your YES’s.

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