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Say YES To A Mortgage Educational Program?

Say YES to a mortgage educational program?

Ok so I have a dream…. Before I leave the mortgage industry I want to set up a college or higher education program and I believe that if you want something don’t keep it for yourself share it with the world because you never know who can help you with your dream.  Well, 2 weeks ago when I was speaking to a reporter I told her my dream and she said, hey, you know there is a program like that for the insurance industry. I asked her to give me the information for that program and today she gave me the name of it and when I googled it I was able to find the board of directors for the program and I messaged 4 of the BOD, 2 men and 2 women and guess what????  I got a response back from 1 man and 1 woman and now I am going to schedule meetings with them to see what I can learn from them.  Here we go!

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