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Say Yes To A SYE Meeting And Backyard Clean Up!

Say yes to a SYE meeting and backyard clean up!

Up early bagels and prep for a Say Yes meeting.  I had a meeting to discuss Say Yes mindset and we talked for 2 hours it was awesome!   Afterwards, Mike and I did his taxes had lunch and then we went food shopping together, it’s funny how going food shopping with your husband and your grown son is a big deal but after a year of social distancing and being away from NJ for 3 months I just enjoy listening, talking and bonding it’s so precious.  See that’s the whole point of Say Yes everyday, it’s not about big monumental yes’s it’s living in the moment, being present and looking at everyday as a gift with no preconceived notions, YEAH!  It was a beautiful day outside so Tony worked in the backyard, Spring has sprung.

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