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Say Yes To Another Incredible Thrive Thursday Guest!

Say Yes to another incredible Thrive Thursday guest!

So today I met with another Thrive Thursday guest wow what a story.  Marisa is a pediatric nurse and she has a jewelry business and she has a 4 month old and a 9 year old and she is a cancer survivor and she’s only 36 years old, WOW!  Such an incredible positive perspective also.  I am absolutely amazed how this little live show has brought these great people into my lives. This morning I received a message from last weeks guest asking for a mortgage broker because he is buying a house, look at that!  Then remember back in August I wrote about the gentleman that reached out because he found his dram home and I helped him well today he reached out again to thank me because he got the house and he shared that the reason why he wanted the house in Idaho is because his adopted daughter’s birth mom lives in Idaho and he wanted them to have a relationship so look at that and how one action can create such a strong and powerful reaction.  I love life so much and how we can make a difference in the world.

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