Say yes to co-hosting a podcast!
Great day today!! The morning started with a text message from a woman who was in the audience of my very first speech where I presented Say Yes Everyday. She said that a friend of hers posted something on instagram yesterday about the power of saying yes and she immediately thought of me :). Then we had our first Say Yes Everyday marketing team meeting, wow just typing that gives me a warm feeling. I never would have thought when I started a blog in July 2019 that I would have a marketing team to launch my new book but why should I be surprised because when you say yes everyday the ripple starts and even when you think nothing is happening it IS! Then this afternoon Mitch from Build your empire reached out to me to ask if I would be his co-host for his new podcast Leadership Mastermind. On that note I think I know the title of my 3rd book. Say yes everyday BUT! I am involved in so much right now I know that I can’t take on chasing guests and preparing for another podcast so I told him I am happy to show up and record but I can’t find guests, chase them for their headshots/bios and handle the marketing so there was a BUT. Guess what he said YES! Funny thing… the first guest is the gentleman that came to the marketing company I worked at when I was in my 20’s and he came in to teach a bunch of young inexperienced people how to “speak” mortgage well look at how the last 25 years have evolved. It’s very ironic that he would now be the 1st guest. Love it!