Say YES to Rose’s baptism!
Wow what an amazing day! Up early to start prepping and I got my hair done and then off to the church at 11 am. The church was packed and the way that they do it is an exorcism, a baptism, a first communion and a confirmation all in one ceremony it was about an hour. I wam so proud of my boys it’s beautiful to see them together now as adults and to have our parents there with us is beautiful. It was rainy in the morning but the sun came out by the time we got out of the church. Then we went to the hall and they had about 100 people for the party. Rose was such a good girl she never even took a nap she was so curious and interested in what was happening.
We got home about 6 PM and then we had dinner and packed for AZ we leave early in the morning for 2 weeks.