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Say Yes To Saying YES To The Comply Summit!

Say yes to Saying YES to the Comply Summit!

This morning I recorded my Say YES Everyday speech to the Comply Summit that is launching next week.  It makes me so happy to share my Say Yes mindset with others.  I also received an email from one of my team members who asked me for a signed copy of the book, he is only up to chapter 3 but he messaged me to tell me how he now understands why I am so tough and a great executor.  Today was our final day in Arizona for the Winter, we leave to go back East in the morning so after work we went to Old Town to eat dinner at our favorite restaurant (Bandera) and we had Gelato and ate it by our fire pit in the backyard.  We had a magical Winter but now it’s time to head East and start diving into some new projects deeper.

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