Say yes to speaking at the MBA annual conference!
Ok so lets be honest here… I agreed to be a panelist for the MBA because this was the first time in 20 years that I have been asked to be a speaker by them so I couldn’t say no BUT the topic was not something that I am well versed in but I listened and I learned and I decided that I was not going to miss my opportunity now I will tell you the minute I woke up yesterday I had anxiety knowing that today was the day. I listened to the conference yesterday and I kept studying and studying but it didn’t matter I was nervous but I didn’t give up. I jumped on and I took control and you know what? Afterwards I got an email from the head of the MBA telling me that I did a great job, I was so happy. It isn’t about me it’s about all the women watch me and I couldn’t let them down. After work I did my pre-call for this weeks Thrive Thursday it is going to be awesome!