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Say Yes To Veteran’s Day!

Say yes to Veteran’s Day!

Happy Veteran’s Day!  The picture attached is my father’s poster that is up on the main road in my town.  Very proud of our military heritage.  Busy day today, I had a podcast guest and I had a pre call with a Leadership call I am doing for NAMMBA tomorrow and I had an idea based on last week’s Thrive Thursday.  One of my guests Shamonica has a design company where she designs T Shirts so I thought hey why not offer Tshirts to go with my Say Yes everyday book so I asked her to jump on a call and you know what?  She is going to custom design shirts for my book and then we are going to split the profits how awesome is that?  I love that we are making new connections and supporting and growing others, so wonderful all because they say yes everyday!

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