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Say Yes To Exposing Your Super Powers!

Say yes to exposing your super powers!

Welcome to Thrive Thursday!  Tonight’s episode was incredible I had a Mortgage CEO, a nurse and an archeologist and the tough question for them was tell me about your super power.  Seems so simple right NO!  So as the weeks have been going by I am learning more and more about how afraid everyone is about sharing their super power as if  it’s wrong to talk good about yourself.  So I have learned how to handle it, I have them ask their kids or their partners or their friends and something very special happens.  They have a conversation that they never would have before they create a bond and they also start to realize that they do have that power and they start to use it and share it with the world, WOW!  Look at that as we are creating a positive ripple in the world.  Love it!

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